Google have expanded
their popular mapping program with a selection of specific static or interaction
images rather than the usual open world global program that shows areas and
information with a deliberate focus such as the map of 25000 worldwide web cams
that offers screen shots. The applications for this tool are limitless as any
combination of information and map can be uploaded by a third party but this
simplicity and versatility could be particularly beneficial for the tourism industry
The benefits of this
new google maps Gallery for tourism . This easy access to maps full of
interactive information is ideal for any tourism board as these images can be
as specific as a map of a certain country or city and top destinations and
attractions can be easily highlighted with helpful web –links . currently ,
visit Denmark are using Google maps integration on their website to highlight
links to hotels , events and other essential items to inform travelers and help
them plan their itinerary with google maps Google Earth or a simple search
engine query and be seen by those that may not yet know they want to visit
Denmark .
This gallery means great SEO and greater presence to a wider
consumer base ,so it markes sense for tourist boards , hotel chains and many
other businesses to take their current database of information , apply it to
this new format and reap the rewards . It willtake a while for this new scheme
to expand from a few interesting pages to the extensive , varied atlas that
Google wants it to be but with some simple efforts , it could make Google maps
an even more useful tool for the industry . soon a curious , prospective
traveler will go from browsing for ideas to a simple , useful map full of data
and the perfect web –link in a short series of clicks .
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