The Nepaloil corporation Limited only the authorize to import and sell the petroleum product in Nepal. The Nepal oil corporation limited established 10 January 1970 government of Nepal under the company act, 2021(1964). NOC can store 30,000 KL petroleum products in different development regions of Nepal. You know that Nepal is the land lock country of the south Asia. It is depend on India for supply and distribution of petroleum product. Since two weeks the petroleum product are scarcity in Nepal. Now days for 5litter petrol we have to wait 5h in hot noon.
The NOC managing director said the petroleum product rise in world wide. We have to increase 6 rupees in petrol for make a balance in international price.
He said government commitment to give aid to NOC that’s why recently we are not increasing the price of petroleum product.
But the petroleum stand is almost empty. They are writing petrol chhaina(no petrol). Also the director said the IOC cut the quantity of the petroleum product because of credit. He said we have huge amount of credit to pay IOC.
I thing this crisis of petrol is continue this week also.